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Parents are an essential part of the team here at The Christie. Their support for their children's learning is vital to help bring out the best in the pupils. In order to maximise this input, we engage with parents in a range of ways throughout the year.
- A weekly letter is sent to parents via email each Wednesday with important information about school events etc.
- We are on Facebook (@dhchristiemps) for information.
- Teachers meet formally with parents at least once each year for a discussion about their child's progress and other relevant issues.
- Teachers use the SeeSaw App to communicate with parents informally and to share examples of work etc. electronically.
- Homework diaries and SeeSaw Journals provide an avenue of communication for teachers and parents to " drop each other a note" and provide important information pertinent to "a good day!" NB We do ask that parents respect teachers' personal time and refrain from messaging or expecting an answer out of school hours.
- An Annual Progress Report is sent home to Parents in June, summarising assessment outcomes and giving an overview of the child's progress for the year.
- When necessary, Parents can contact the teacher through the school office, to make an appointment for further discussion or arrange a call back at a suitable time.
- Informal conversations regularly take place at the end of the school day when the teachers escort their pupils to the school gate.
This section of our Website also contains some important school policies for Parents' information.